Crystal Cruises Ad Redesign

  • Client: Crystal Cruises

  • Type: Illustration, Graphic Design

  • Year: 2019

I was given the opportunity to redesign this ad for Crystal Cruises. I wanted to flip the script on the original brand positioning. Sure, a luxury “all-exclusive” cruise line, we get it. But I don’t feel personally moved by this ad or what it’s selling because that’s not where I’m at in my life. What if there was a cruise line that did cater to me and my peers? That’s the ad I wanted to see and create.

Original Crystal Cruises ad

Original Crystal Cruises ad


Rather than appealing to two upper class women who are in a long-distance friendship, I want to queer this image of conventionally attractive and heteronormative women. What if these women were poor? What if their race and ethnicity and sexuality and relationship to each other was intentionally ambiguous?


Still Here Still Lifes


GB Cat